Exploring The Link Between Diabetes and Podiatry

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Posterior Tibial Tendonitis: A Concerning Source Of Heel Pain In Runners

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Are you a runner who has developed pain on the inside of the foot and ankle, along with flattening of your arch? Chances are, you’re suffering from an injury known as posterior tibial tendonitis. This running injury may not be as common as runner’s knee or plantar fasciitis, but it definitely deserves your attention because it can get a whole lot worse if left untreated. Read on to learn more about the causes of PTT, along with your treatment options and ways to prevent the injury from recurring in the future.…

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4 Ways To Ease Your Bunions Without Surgery

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It is hard to wear your favorite pair of shoes when you have bunions. A bunion is a bump that forms on the joint at the bottom of your big toe. If this condition is making your life unbearable, then it is time to seek treatment. Here are four treatment options to consider before resorting to surgery. Protect Your Bump with Pads A gel-filled or moleskin pad protects your bunion. This pad works by minimizing the pressure from wearing your shoes.…

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Can You Treat A Bunion Without Surgery?

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A bunion is a bulge of bone that juts out from the inner line of the foot near the base of the big toe. Bunions form when the bone of the big toe pushes the largest bone in the foot (known as the first metatarsal) out away from the foot. Bunions generally run in families, but they’re more prominent in people who have arthritis and in people who wear shoes that unnaturally narrow the foot.…

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Four Signs That It's Time To Visit A Podiatrist

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When it comes to managing your health, you know that seeing a chiropractor for back pain and visiting a massage therapist for relaxation are ways to keep your body feeling good. To take ownership over the health of your feet, it’s important to include a podiatrist among your ensemble of health practitioners. Podiatrists can help your feet and ankles in numerous ways, which can drastically improve your quality of life. Not sure when you should schedule an appointment with this foot expert?…

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Why Diabetics Need Regular Podiatry Checkups

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When you or your spouse is diagnosed with diabetes you may think that you just need to focus on a healthy diet, keeping your blood sugar levels where they should be and monitoring your insulin. However, you really need to make sure that you have regular checkups with a podiatrist, a foot doctor. How does diabetes affect feet? Diabetes can affect your feet in two ways. First, it can damage the nerves in your feet.…

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Podiatrists Employ New-Age Laser Treatments And Herbal Medicines To Treat Foot Problems

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Why is there such growth in podiatry care in America?  Age statistics drive the need for foot care, and diabetes disease continues to rise all over the country. Diabetes and other medical conditions require specialized treatment to stave off surgical procedures that might cause you to lose your limbs. Revenue from podiatry care in 2012 was expected to reach an annual total of $4.7 billion. Researchers were projecting even higher revenues in 2014 as a result of the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was initiated in 2010.…

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Climbing The Ladder: A Tale Of How Achilles Tendonitis Can Bring You Down

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Do you do a lot of work around your house? Maybe you’re painting your home yourself or doing some work on the roof, and you’re constantly climbing a ladder—or standing on one. You may have thought that a fall was your biggest concern from all this ladder climbing, but you may also be at risk for a common foot ailment, Achilles tendonitis. How Do You Get Achilles Tendonitis? Your Achilles tendon runs from your heel to your calf muscle and helps you lift your heel in order to walk.…

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3 Signs That You Should Visit A Foot Doctor

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 Your feet are tough, they take quite a beating in your day-to-day life. Most of the time resting is more then sufficient to make your feet feel better. Of course, that doesn’t mean your feet are invincible. There are several things that can happen that will require professional help. Luckily, your feet are pretty good at letting you know something is wrong with them. So, if you’ve been experiencing any of the following you should see the doctor, like.…

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The Dos And Don'ts Of Caring For A Sprained Ankle

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Ankle sprains are quite common and can happen in a number of situations. Whether you sprain your ankle while playing a sport, tripping down a few stairs, or simply taking a wrong step in a pair of high heels, the fact remains that you’ll want to treat the injury promptly and properly. Doing so will help to ensure the quickest recovery and avoid further complications. If you sprain your ankle, a trip to your doctor is a must, but there are some tips you can also keep in mind in the meantime.…

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Walk Out On These Three Myths About Trouble With Your Feet!

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If there’s one thing where there are plenty of myths, misinformation, and flat-out untruths, it’s the human body. From head to toe, there’s a lot of false information out there. Here’s a look at some of the most common myths about trouble with your feet, and the real truth behind them. Myth #1: An ingrown toenail can be cured with a cut An ingrown toenail can be incredibly painful, and the first reaction of many people is often to reach for a blade.…

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