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Three Ways That a Podiatrist Will Treat Your Corns

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Over the years, it's possible to develop a wide array of foot conditions that can be uncomfortable enough to affect your mobility and even your quality of life. One common condition that many people experience is the growth of one or more corns. A corn is a thick layer of skin that can occur in several different areas but often emerges on your toes. Standing and walking can be painful when you have even just one corn, so it's important to get some professional help. Schedule an appointment with a local podiatrist. They'll assess your corn and treat it in the following ways.

Remove Layers of the Skin

In most cases, a podiatrist will remove some of the skin that forms your corn. They can do so in a few different ways, depending on the severity of the corn. One option is to soak your foot for a short period of time to soften the skin, and then gently use a pumice stone to remove some layers of skin. This stone has an abrasive surface, which will reduce the size of the corn and alleviate your discomfort. In some situations, it may be necessary for the podiatrist to use a scalpel to trim down the corn carefully.

Apply Padding

The corn and the surrounding area can be a bit tender, so your podiatrist will take steps to protect this part of your foot before you start walking again. Often, they'll apply special padding to the corn. This will protect the corn from friction between it and your shoe, which can be uncomfortable. You may also get a few replacement pads and some instructions on how to remove the existing pad and replace it over the next few days.

Provide Footwear Recommendations

Certain types of footwear can not only worsen the existing corns on your feet but can also make them develop in the first place. Any visit to a podiatrist to get help with a corn will include this foot health professional offering some useful recommendations about your footwear. They might even demonstrate how the footwear you wear to the appointment is complicating your corn situation. They'll give you a list of shoes you should try, as well as some that you should avoid. You can consider this list when you buy your next pair of shoes, as the right pair will help to prevent further corns from developing. Contact a podiatrist if you have one or more corns on your feet.
