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3 Things to Know About Bunions

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There are some foot conditions that are quite prevalent and bunions are one of the most common conditions. While women and seniors are known to get bunions the most often, even younger adults and even children can get them. Understanding bunions can help you to both prevent them and to know what to do should you develop one. Here are things you want to know about bunions.

1. How genetics can play a role in the development of bunions

Many times bunions run in the family because they are caused by the big toe not being aligned properly. Since this misalignment issue can easily be passed down, this can lead to families where the development of bunions is almost to be expected, or at least very common among the family members. Other factors that can increase a person's chances of developing bunions include having flat feet and low arches, which are also things that tend to be hereditary.

2. How the chances of a bunion increases

When a person's big toe points inward while their metatarsal bone points outward, a bump can develop. Some people can have their toes be the same way as someone else's and only one of them develops bunions. This can be the case due to many reasons. Along with family history, lifestyle choices can also increase a person's chances of getting bunions.

One example of how lifestyle choices can leave a person more prone to getting bunions would be their choice in shoes. Most shoes are designed in a way that can rub on someone's big toe in a way that can lead to bunions when their toes have the issues already described here. However, there are shoes that can be purchased that will decrease the amount of rubbing which also decreases a person's risks of bunions.

Also, some physical activities, such as ballet, will increase the chances of a person getting bunions. A ballerina will put a lot of pressure on their toes and will wear ballet shoes that compress the feet and toes in a way that causes rubbing and pressure to be put on that area where bunions develop.

3. What to do about a bunion

As soon as someone thinks they are developing a bunion, they should seek out podiatry treatment to hopefully stop the bunion from getting worse. Also, things like cortisone injections and anti-inflammatory medication can help with the pain bunions can cause. If bunions get bad enough, then the podiatrist may suggest surgery.
